Clinician User Guide for mymobility® Care Management Platform


Purpose of mymobility Program: mymobility is a Care Management Platform  designed for use with the orthopedic, musculoskeletal and cardiothoracic patient populations, that integrates data from consumer devices and services, like the iPhone® Apple Watch®, HealthKit™, Android™ mobile phone and Google Fit™, as well as data from medical devices like Zimmer Biomet’s ROSA® Robot, into provider dashboards, providing enhanced understanding and monitoring of patients throughout the episode of care, and the ability to visualize the data in aggregate across numerous patients. Where available and activated, the shoulder range of motion module measures range of motion through the camera on the patient’s smartphone. The WalkAI™ feature is available for hip and knee replacement patients using an iPhone or Persona IQ® The Smart Knee® for knee replacements to collect gait metrics. WalkAI uses an artificial intelligence algorithm to generate a daily prediction on post-op days fifteen through forty-five of the ninety-day post-op gait speed, based on the patient’s pre-op gait speed and post-op gait speeds of similar patients who have used the mymobility application.

To view details about the mymobility program, use the “About” link at the bottom of every page. From there, you can also view the Privacy Policy and End-User License Agreement.

For assistance with issues not covered by this user guide, please contact customer support If you leave a message, we will return your call the following business day.

System Requirements:
For more information about the system requirements, please visit the Device Support page

Usage Considerations

mymobility is meant to support qualified patients before and after certain orthopedic procedures. Evaluate the patient before enrollment, taking the following into consideration:

Visual or Hearing Deficiencies:
mymobility does not support subtitles for the hearing impaired or options for visually impaired patients, this may limit the use for the hearing impaired or visually impaired.

mymobility is offered in English, Dutch, French, Italian, German, and Japanese. If you would like to enroll a patient who does not read or understand a language supported by mymobility, the patient would need a translator present whenever utilizing mymobility.

mymobility is not designed for use by anyone under the age of 13.

Mental Capabilities:
mymobility patients must be mentally competent.

Functional Capabilities:
For patients with loss of physical function, be sure appropriate precautions are in place for them to safely perform exercises guided by mymobility.

Clinical or Medical Issues:
For a patient with specific clinical or medical issues, please be sure to cover all precautions necessary for them to safely perform exercises guided by mymobility.

Appropriate Electronic Device with Necessary System Requirements:
Please be sure the patient has the appropriate technology and system requirements to support mymobility. Current system requirements are available on the Device Support page.

Adequate Space to Complete Exercises:
To safely complete exercises, a patient must have approximately five feet of space in all directions that is clear of clutter, rugs, furniture, etc.

Getting Started

Initial Sign-In

  • Your access to mymobility depends on your position:
    • Administrators: A mymobility Implementer or another Administrator will give you access to the program.
    • Surgeons and Other Clinical Users: Please notify your Administrator that you need to log in to the mymobility program.
      • Note: We recommend using your hospital or practice-based email address when enrolling as a new clinical user.
  • mymobility is part of the ZBEdge® Single Sign-on Portal. You will use the ZBEdge Single Sign-On Portal to initially sign-up and to continue to access mymobility. Before using the ZBEdge Single Sign-On Portal and mymobility, you must first register and activate your account using the ZBEdge Single Sign-on Portal. Follow the steps located in the dedicated ZBEdge Single Sign-on Portal User Guide to complete account registration and activation.

Forgot Password

To reset your password, please access the ZBEdge Single Sign-on Portal and follow the steps available on the ZBEdge Single Sign-on Portal User Guide.

User Types: 
See the table below for details:

All Clinical Users
  • Ability to create/edit/discharge patients in care teams to which they have been assigned
  • Ability to message patients as part of a group chat (along with other clinical users who are part of that patient’s care team)
Surgeon In addition to the privileges for all Clinical Users:

  • View-only access to profiles of other Clinical Users in their care teams
  • View-only access to profiles of patients in Care Teams that they are not a part of
Administrator In addition to the privileges for all Clinical Users:

  • Ability to create/edit Care Teams
  • Ability to create/edit/deactivate Clinical Users (with or without Administrator privileges)
  • Ability to create/edit/discharge patients

Client Select

Client select
If you are using your mymobility account to manage more than one hospital, facility, or client, the first thing you’ll do upon login is select which client you’d like to manage. On this screen you’ll see a card for each client you’re currently a member above. Along with the name of the client, you’ll see some additional info. Specifically, the card will contain the number of:

  • Active patients
  • Unresolved patient messages
  • Active exceptions
  • Flagged patients

Additionally, if there are any upcoming video visits with your patients, you’ll see a reminder with the amount of time remaining before the scheduled visit. To proceed, simply click the name of the client.

Launch Menu Page
This is the page where you can quickly navigate to widely used pages after log in. Navigation options will be limited to features available for the client.

Home Page

This is the page where you can monitor patient activity at a glance. The “patient cards” display information and statistics for each patient. Patients are grouped together based on where they are in their episode of care (e.g., pre-surgery, post-surgery, and post-30+).

  • mymobility Logo: Click here to return to the Home Page. If you are already on the Home Page, the page will refresh.
  • Client Name: The name of your hospital, clinic, facility, etc. If you manage patients at more than one client, clicking this button will return you to the Client Select screen where you can select a different client to manage without logging out.
  • Your Photo/Name: Click here to view your user profile. If you have not added a photo to your profile, a placeholder image will appear here. For more information on the My Profile page, please see the Main Menu section below.
  • Messages Icon: Click here to open the Messages page. You will be able to see all message threads with your patients. For more information, please refer to Section: Messages.
  • Main Menu: From here you can access:
    1. Home → Returns to the Home Page.
    2. Care Teams → Goes to the Care Teams Page where you can view your care team(s) and clinical users within your care team(s).
    3. Patients → Goes to the Patients Roster Page where you can view the profiles of patients assigned to your care team(s). For more information, please see Section: Patient Profiles and Patient Care.
    4. Protocols → Goes to the Protocols Page where you can view all available surgery protocols.
    5. My profile → Goes to your My Profile Page. Unless you have administrative privileges, your edits will be limited to changing your profile photo, language (if your client supports multiple languages), and password. To make any other changes, please contact an Administrator. Note: If you are an Administrator, please see Section: Administrative Access for more information.
    6. Log out → Signs you out of mymobility.

Home Page Controls:
The following controls appear on the home page to help with organizing and reviewing patient cards:

  • Groupings by Surgery Date: Patients are displayed based on where they are in their episode of care:
    1. Activation: Patients who haven’t finished activation or need a procedure, procedure date, and protocol.
    2. Pre-Surgery: Patients in Days -30 through -1 of their protocol.
    3. Post-Surgery: Patients in Days 0 (date of surgery) to +30 in their protocol.
    4. Post-30+: Patients who are over 30 days past their surgery date.
  • Filters: Limits your view of patients to those based on:
    1. Top level:
      1. All patients
        • Displays all patients belonging to care teams to which the user is assigned
      2. Exceptions
        • Displays only patients with an active exception episode.
      3. Flagged
        • Displays only patients that have been flagged (at any level). For information on how to flag a patient, please see Section : Patient Details Page.
      4. Assignments
        • Displays only patients that have open assignments. For information on clinical assignments, please see Section: Clinical Assignments
    2. Second level (apply in addition to top-level filters):
      1. Surgeon: Displays only patients assigned to the selected surgeon(s).
      2. Procedure: Displays only patients assigned to the selected procedure(s).
      3. Active Episodes: Displays patients who have multiple episodes of care, depending on the number of additional active episodes they have.
      4. Watch: Displays only patients who have been using a paired an Apple Watch or displays only those who have not.
      5. Assignments: Displays only patients with assignments you are assigned to; patients with urgent assignments; patients with unacknowledged assignments, or patients with assignments currently in progress.
  • Sorting Options:
    1. Days until/since surgery: Sorts patients by proximity to their surgery date. For pre-surgery patients, those who are closest to having their surgery will appear first. For post-surgery patients, those who most recently had their surgery will appear first.
    2. Last name: Sorts patients by their last name, from A-Z.
    3. Unresolved messages: Patients with unresolved messages will appear first, with a secondary sort by last name. For more information on unresolved messages, see Section: Messages.
    4. Steps: Sorts by average step count over the past 5 days, in ascending order.
    5. Stand hours: Sorts by average stand hours over the past 5 days, in ascending order.
    6. Exercise completion: Sorts by exercise completion percentage over the past 3 days, in ascending order.
    7. Education completion: Sorts by education completion percentage over the past 3 days, in ascending order.
  • Help Icon: Click on the question mark icon to learn about the information on the Home Page.
  • Quick Enroll Button: Click on the “plus” button on the top right of the dashboard to quickly enroll a new patient. Note: This method requires less fields to be filled out initially for the new patient, but will need to be confirmed later in the patient’s profile. See: Section 5 – Edit Patient Profile.

Patient Cards:
All the patients assigned to your care team(s) are displayed on the Home Page, grouped based on where they are in their episode of care. Each patient card contains the following information:

  • Patient’s General Information: First and last name, age, and profile photo. (Note: If the patient has not uploaded a profile photo using the patient the app, a placeholder image will appear instead).
  • Patient’s Surgical Information:
    1. Surgeon
    2. Procedure Days to/from Surgery → Displays the number of days until or since the patient’s surgery date. The number is negative for pre-surgery patients, and positive for post-surgery patients. (Note: Any patient whose surgery date is today will be included in the Post-Surgery patient list with Days Since Surgery showing as 0.)
    3. Location → For post-surgery patients who have self-reported a location other than home, their location will display in the upper left corner of the patient card. Their options are: Hospital, Surgery Center, Skilled Nursing Facility, Hospital – readmitted, ER/ED, or Urgent Care. (Note: After surgery, the surgery location will display the one originally assigned to the patient, until they change it from their app. For more detailed information, please refer to Section: Patient Details).
  • Patient Card Icons: Some of these icons display patient activity and/or status while others show available actions:
    1. Apple Watch → A watch icon will display next to their photo if they have at some point used an Apple Watch with mymobility.
    2. Messages → The messages icon gives access to the patient’s message thread. If they have messages still requiring attention, the unresolved icon will appear in magenta. For more information, see Section 9: Messages.
    3. Exceptions → View the current active exceptions for the patient. Different icons will be shown for the various exception categories. Pain exceptions are displayed as a lightning bolt icon, gait exceptions as a walking figure icon, predicted progress as a graph icon, late assessment exceptions as a calendar icon, and overlapping protocols exceptions as an over-inflated tire icon. From this view, you can message the patient directly, snooze an exception (temporarily stop highlighting), disable an exception (permanently stop detecting this exception type for the patient), or ignore the exceptions. All of these actions as well as the patient’s exception history are available from the patient’s profile – see Section: Patient Details Page. Note: When disabling an exception, you must include a note.
    4. Flags → Flag a patient, clear an existing flag, or read notes previously added while changing a patient’s flag status by clicking the flag icon. (You may also add a flag from a patient’s profile; for more information, see Section: Patient Details Page.) Note: You must include a note when adding, changing, or removing a flag. There are three levels of flag priority:
      1. Red: High priority
      2. Yellow: Medium priority
      3. Clear: (No flag)
    5. Steps → Displays the patient’s average daily step count for the past 5 days. (If the patient has fewer than 5 days of data, only the days with data will be included.) The data will come from Apple HealthKit. Note: A.) Only full days are included in the calculations, so these averages will only include data up to the previous day. B.) If no steps have been recorded, a dash (-) will appear instead of a number. C.) The average daily step count will reset after surgery.
    6. Step Trends → An up/down arrow next to the “Steps” statistic will display if there has been at least 20% increase/decrease in the patient’s average daily steps compared with the previous five days.
    7. Gait Speed → Displays the average gait speed the patient has logged data for from their iPhone, over the last 5 days. Note: A.) Only full days are included in the calculations, so these averages will only include data up to the previous day. B.) If no gait speed averages have been recorded (such as when a patient is not using an Apple iPhone), a dash (-) will appear instead of a number. C.) The average daily gait speed will reset after surgery.
    8. Gait Speed Trends → An up/down arrow next to the Gait Speed average will display if there has been at least a 20 percent increase/decrease in the patient’s average daily gait speed compared with the previous five days.
    9. Exercise Completion → The exercises ring reflects the patient’s exercise completion percentage over the last 3 days (with a complete circle signifying that the patient has completed all their exercises). The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of reps/minutes a patient has completed by the total number of reps/minutes assigned. Note: A.) Only full days are included in the calculations, so only data up to the previous day will be included. B.) If no exercises have been assigned and/or completed, no circle will appear. C.) This percentage resets after surgery.
    10. Exercise Difficulty → The patient rates the difficulty at the end of each set of exercises. The patient’s rating is converted into a numerical scale, as follows, then averaged over the past three days: 2 = Way too easy; 1 = A little easy; 0 = Just right; -1 = A little hard; -2 = Way too hard. Note: This value also resets after surgery.
    11. Exercise Completion Trends → An up/down arrow next to the Exercise Completion ring will display if there has been at least 20% increase/decrease in Exercise Completion compared with the previous three days.
    12. Education Completion → The education ring reflects the patient’s education completion percentage over the last 3 days (with a complete circle signifying that the patient has completed all their education assignments to date). The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of education items viewed by the patient by the total number of education items assigned. Note: A. Only full days are included in the calculations, so only data up to the previous day will be included. B. If no education materials have been assigned and/or completed, no circle will appear. C. This percentage resets after surgery.
    13. Education Completion Trends → An up/down arrow next to the Education Completion ring will display if there has been at least 20% increase/decrease in Education Completion compared with the previous three days.
    14. Clipboard Icon: If the clipboard is a shade of red or yellow, the patient’s specific episode has open clinical assignments (dark red = unacknowledged urgent, dark yellow = unacknowledged non-urgent, light red = in progress urgent, light yellow = in progress non-urgent). By clicking on the symbol, the clinical assignment page for the episode of care opens up.
  • About: Click here to view mymobility’s about page.
  • Support: Click here to open a new tab to access the mymobility support site.
  • Language: This option will only appear for users who are on a client that supports multiple languages. Clicking Language will allow a clinical user to change their preferred language to view mymobility. You can also do this from the My Profile page.


This section explains how to create, edit, discharge, and readmit patients. It also explains how to assign protocols to patients.

Patients Roster Page:
The patient roster page provides access to all patients previously and currently under the care of your care team(s). The patient table on this page display more abbreviated information than on the homepage: first and last name, patient status, MRN, DOB, mymobility ID, Persona IQ ID, and EMR status (if EMR integration is turned on). Selecting the vertical ellipsis at the end of a patient’s row will give you the option of linking your patient’s mymobility record to their EMR, viewing the patient’s details, or editing their profile information. (For more information on what’s available on the Patient Details page, please see Section: Patient Details Page.) The following controls appear on the patient roster page:

  • Dashboard/Roster: This toggle allows you to switch between viewing the clinician dashboard and the patient roster page.
  • My Patients Only: This toggle allows you to display only patients under the care of your care team(s).
  • Active/Discharged/All: Use this filter to view a subset of the patient roster by selecting “Active” or “Discharged”. To view all patients, select “All”.
  • EMR status: Use this dropdown to view only patients whose mymobility record is linked to their EMR, or only patients whose record has not.
  • Add from EMR: Click on this button to create a new patient profile by importing the patient information from your EMR.
  • Add manually: Click on this button to create a new patient profile. For more information, see the section below entitled ‘Add Manually’.
  • Search: Use the search bar to find a patient in the patient roster table by selecting from the following search criteria – First name, Last name, MRN, mymobility ID, or Persona IQ ID.

Create New Patient Profile:

  • Add using EMR integration: To add a new patient profile using EMR integration, please follow the steps below:
    1. From the Patient roster page, click on the “Add from EMR” button.
    2. In the patient search modal that pops up, enter the patient’s MRN and click ‘Find patient’.
    3. If there is a matching MRN in your electronic medical record database then it will return and display the patient’s name, MRN, and DOB for your confirmation.
    4. Required demographic fields: Mobile number, Care team, and Surgeon.
    5. Quick enrollment: To complete quick enrollment, select ‘Save record’ and you will return to the patient roster page.
    6. Full enrollment: To complete full enrollment, select ‘Continue’ and you will navigate to the patient profile. See below under “Create a Patient” for full enrollment requirements.
  • Add Manually: To add a new patient profile, please follow the steps below:
    1. From the Patient Roster Page, click on the “Add manually” button.
    2. On the “Add a patient” page, enter details about the new patient:
      1. First name, Last name, Date of Birth, Mobile Phone Number, Care team, and Surgeon
      2. Allow the patient to read the consent language. The patient should check the box that they agree.
      3. Note: If your office collects patient consent through other means, the language here should reflect that fact, and the patient will not have to read and consent during this step of enrollment. In this case, the clinical user will acknowledge that patient consent was already obtained.
    3. Select ‘Save record’ to quick enroll the patient and return to the Patient Roster Page.
      1. If the patient already exists in the system, that record will be returned upon selection of ‘Save record’ or ‘+ Procedure’. You may then decide to add a new procedure to the existing patient or create a new patient if the returned record is incorrect.
    4. Select ‘Continue’ to navigate to the patient profile page and continue entering the below patient information:
      1. Required Demographic Fields: First and Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Mobile Phone Number, Email Address
      2. Required Medical Fields: Care Team, Surgeon
      3. Required Language Field: Choose the language preferred by your patient so that their emails and text messages to activate their account appear in their preferred language. Their protocol and app will also appear in this preferred language unless changed by the patient themselves. (Note: this field only appears for clients that support multiple languages. If you are part of a client that does not support multiple languages, this field will not appear).
      4. Optional Fields: MBI, MRN, Zip Code, Procedure (Note: Once a procedure is selected, Procedure Date, Surgery side (laterality selection based on procedure) and Protocol will be required), Procedure Location, Notes
  • Note: When you click the “Assign a Protocol” button, you will be directed to the “Assign a Protocol” page where you can select a protocol and routine level for the patient. For more about protocols, please see Section: Protocols.
  • Once you have finished entering the patient information in all the fields, click the “Create patient” button on the bottom right corner of the page.
  • If the patient profile has been successfully created, you will be directed back to the Patient Roster page and you will see a success message.
  • Note: Patients being enrolled at a clinical study or hybrid site (commercial and clinical study combined) will have extra required fields:
    1. Hybrid only: Clinical Study (Yes/No)
    2. Study ID(s)

Link existing patient to EMR:
You can link an existing patient’s record in mymobility with their EMR.

  • From the Patient Roster page, click on the vertical ellipsis at the end of the patient’s row and select ‘Link with EMR’. If the MRN is present in the patient’s mymobility record, it will automatically search the EMR. If the MRN is not present, you will be asked to enter the MRN before continuing.
  • If a matching record is returned, select ‘Link profile to EMR’.
  • You will select from a table which profile elements (if any) you want to import and overwrite from the patient’s EMR, including: First name, Last name, Gender, Date of Birth, Mobile, Email, and Zip code.
  • Select ‘Confirm’ to complete the link between the patient’s mymobility profile and EMR and return to the Patient Roster page.

Add/Edit Procedure: You can add or edit a patient’s procedure on the Procedure page, which you can get to from the Patient Roster page. To add or edit a procedure please follow the steps below:

  • From the Patient Roster page, click on the vertical ellipsis at the end of the patient’s row and select ‘Manage procedures’, which will take you to the Procedure page.
  • To add a procedure, click on the ‘Add procedure’ button in the upper righthand corner.
  • To edit an existing procedure, click on the ‘Edit’ hyperlink in the procedure list table for the corresponding procedure.

Discharge Procedure: You can discharge a procedure on the Procedure page, which you can get to from the Patient Roster page. A patient with no active procedures is considered “inactive.” To discharge a procedure, please follow the steps below:

  • From the Patient Roster page, click on the vertical ellipsis at the end of the patient’s row and select  ‘Manage procedures’, which will take you to the “Procedure” page. In the far column of the procedure list table, you will have the option to discharge each individual procedure.
  • Once you click “Discharge” you will need to confirm that you want to discharge that procedure.
  • Once you click the “Yes discharge” button, the system will let you know if the procedure has been successfully discharged.
  • Note: In addition to the successful discharge message, the word “Discharged” will be next to the patient’s name on their profile page when they have one or more discharged episodes of care but no active episodes of care.

Readmit Procedure: You can see any discharged patient on the Patient Roster page by selecting the “Discharged” filter at the top of the page. Note: When you readmit a patient, the patient will be readmitted without a procedure, procedure date, procedure location, and protocol assigned. Make sure whoever readmits the patient also reassigns these items at the time of readmittance. To readmit the patient, please follow these steps:

  • From the Patient Roster page, click on the vertical ellipsis at the end of the patient’s row and select “Manage procedures”, which will take you to the “Procedure” page.
  • The patient’s profile will display with the word “Discharged” on the top of the page.
  • Click on the “Readmit” hyperlink in the far column of the procedure list table for the corresponding procedure.
  • Next, a modal will display to ask if you are sure you want to readmit the procedure, if you are, click the “Yes readmit”.
  • Once you click the “Yes readmit” button, a success message will appear to let you know if the procedure has been successfully readmitted.

Edit Patient Profile:
If needed, you can edit a patient’s profile from the Home Page, Patient Roster page, or the Care Teams page, by clicking on the patient’s profile card.

    • From the Patient Roster page click on the vertical ellipsis at the end of the patient’s row in the patient roster table and select ‘Manage profile’.
    • From the Care Teams page, click on the patient’s profile card. However, from the Home Page, first click on the patient’s profile card, then click on the three vertical dots next to the “History” button and click on the “Manage profile” option.
    • The Patient Profile page will open, where you can edit any of the patient’s demographic information.
    • When you are finished editing the profile, make sure to click the “Save” button in the bottom right corner.

Deactivate Patient Profile: A patient profile may only be deactivated if they do not yet have an assigned procedure. Once deactivated, the profile becomes uneditable, the patient details page is inaccessible, and the patient can only be accessed from the Patient Roster page.

    • To reactivate a deactivated patient record, navigate to their patient profile and select the Reactivate button.

Patient Protocols:

  • When assigning a protocol, all available protocols will appear on the Assign a Protocol page, which can be accessed on the Procedure page. For more information about protocols, please see Section: Protocols.
  • Assign a Protocol: Assigning patient protocols initially happens when adding a procedure, however, you can edit the protocol later. To assign a protocol, please follow the instructions below:
    1. On the Procedure page, make sure the following information is entered before assigning a protocol:
      1. Procedure
      2. Surgery Side (Procedure laterality)
      3. Procedure Date
      4. Location of the Procedure
    2. Once all of the above information is added to the profile, the “Assign a Protocol” button will be enabled so you can click on it.
    3. You will be directed to the Assign a Protocol page, where you will see all the available protocol options.
    4. Within each protocol, you can select a level for the exercises. The level options are Level 1 or Level 2. This determines which exercise routines are assigned to the patient in the protocol. You also have the option to remove exercise routines by choosing No Exercises from the level dropdown. If you are not sure which routines are in a protocol, you may preview the protocol.
    5. You will also be able to enable or disable all education. Education will be automatically enabled for all protocols. If you are not sure what education is in a protocol, you may preview the protocol.
    6. Once you select the patient’s protocol and level, click the “Assign” button.
    7. You will be directed back to the Procedure page where you can click the “Save” button to save the protocol selection.
  • Changing a Protocol: You can adjust a patient’s protocol from the following locations: Procedure page or Patient Details page – Protocol tab.

Patient Details Page

The Patient Details page includes a summary of episode of care specific information about the patient including the patient’s progress, protocol, messages, assessments, and an overall history of activity involving the patient. Within the Patient Details page, you will find there are multiple sections providing you with the following in-depth patient details:

Patient Details Page Layout:
The patient summary provides a static section of basic patient information throughout the Patient Details page. The information available in this header summary bar includes the patient’s basic demographic information, most recent location and disposition, procedure, surgery side, care team, assigned protocol and level, and a flag icon indicating attention is needed on a patient’s profile.

  • Episode of Care header: sits atop the patient summary and provides the procedure name, laterality and date of service, and days relative to surgery. When there is more than one episode of care present for a patient (including both active and discharged) the header will become a dropdown menu which you can use to toggle between episodes.
  • Patient Summary: provides a static section of basic patient information throughout the Patient Details page. The information available in this header summary bar includes the patient’s basic demographic information, procedure, surgery side, care team, assigned protocol and level, and a flag icon indicating attention is needed on a patient’s profile.
  • Patient Information: The patient’s basic demographic information (i.e., profile photo, name, age, gender), as well as the MRN are displayed within the summary bar.
  • Apple Watch Icon: If the patient uses or has used Apple Watch as part of the mymobility program, there will be a watch icon on the lower left corner of the patient’s profile photo.
  • Clipboard Icon: If the clipboard is a shade of red or yellow, the patient’s specific episode has open clinical assignments (dark red = unacknowledged urgent, dark yellow = unacknowledged non-urgent , light red = in progress urgent, light yellow, in progress non-urgent). By clicking on the symbol, a widget appears which shows an overview of these open assignments. The following actions can be taken from the widget:
      1. Acknowledge an assignment
      2. Add a comment to an assignment
      3. Create a new assignment (will take you to a new page)
      4. Resolve an open assignment (will take you to a page)
      5. Edit an existing assignment (will take you to a new page)
  • Flag Icon: If a red or yellow flag icon appears in the upper right corner of the summary bar, this notifies clinical users that something in the patient profile needs attention. You can add or change a flag on a patient’s profile here or on the patient’s card on the Home pageNote: You must also include a note when changing a flag priority level. To change flag priority, please follow the instructions below:
    • Click the flag icon to add or change a flag.
    • If a flag has already been selected, you can read the attached note, who wrote the note, and see when it was added, by clicking on the flag.
    • If you need to add a flag, select the priority level for the flag (i.e., Red = High; Yellow = Medium; Clear = No flag).
    • Once you choose the flag priority level, you must include a note.
    • When you are done adding the note, click “Save.”
    • Note: All flag changes and associated notes can be viewed later in the patient’s history on the “History” tab.
  • Tabs Bar: Below the Patient Summary bar is a set of tabs. Each tab has detailed, patient-specific information. The tab categories are ProgressProtocolMessagesAssessments, and History. Only one tab can be selected at a time. For more information about what is included within each tab, see the sections below.
  • Three dot menu: Click on this drop-down menu to choose one of the following options:
    1. View All Stats: Click here to view the entire history of the patient’s statistics.
    2. Edit Profile: Click here to edit the patient’s profile on the Patient Profile page. For more information on editing the patient’s profile, please see Section: Patients.
    3. Generate Report: Click here to generate a patient’s record.
    4. Discharge Patient: Click here to discharge a patient. For more information on how to discharge a patient, please see Section: Patients.
    5. View History: Click here to view a list of actions performed by care team members that involve a patient. The date and time that item occurred will be documented. By default, the items will be listed in ascending order (i.e., most recent at the top and oldest at the bottom).
    6. Clinical Assignments: Click here to open the Clinical Assignment page
  • Notes Icon: Click on the notes icon to view all notes associated with the patient’s profile or to add a new note. Please follow the instructions below to add a note:
    1. Click on the notes icon.
    2. In the pop-up box, click “Add a note” in the upper right corner.
    3. In the “Note” field, enter your note. There is no character limit for entering a note. When you are finished, click “Submit.”
    4. The note will be added to the patient’s profile. Note: You can also see all profile notes, under the “History” tab. See below for more information about the “History” tab.

Progress Tab:
This tab will show cards displaying the patient’s statistics. Each card will have three informational sections—statistics, chart, and information. Statistics will always display by default, but you can expand each card by clicking on the chart icon at the bottom of each card to show the past 2 weeks of information for that statistic, by day. For more information about each card, click on the question mark icon in the upper right corner. Note: 1.) Each card will show pre-surgery and post-surgery information, depending on where the patient is in their episode of care. 2.) The following statistics are obtained through the patient’s wearable technology and have not been verified for accuracy: Steps, Stand Hours, Stairs, Heart Rate (Resting BPM and Walking BPM), and Heart Rate Variability. These statistics are based on the Apple Watch wrist wearable device or iPhone mobile digital device, which are not medical-grade devices. More detailed information on each statistic is listed below:

  • Gait Speed: Displays an interactive graph of the patient’s daily average gait speed over time. By using your mouse cursor to move along the graph, each day’s specific average gait speed will be displayed on the graph. The overall pre- and post-surgery averages are visible on the top section of the card. Three-time windows can be selected at the bottom by clicking on the different options. If the day of surgery falls within the selected window, a vertical line and label will indicate this day on the visual.  Note: Gait speed predictions, exceptions, and recovery curves will be suppressed if a patient is assigned a second episode of care.
    • 1 week (1W)
      1. Show the last 7 days of average gait speed data for the patient.
    • 1 month (1M)
      1. Show the last 30 days of average gait speed data for the patient.
    • 3 months (3M)
      1. Show the last 90 days of average gait speed data for the patient.
  • WalkAITM Patient Progress:You can view patient progress for each metric i.e., including walking sessions, steps or predicted 90-day gait speed. The toggle allows you to enable or disable the feature for your patient.  Note: This only changes this specific patient’s ability to view the WalkAI™ Patient Progress in the mymobility app. Note: The progress shown here and viewable to patients is based on the patient’s rank for the specific metric in their cohort.  Cohorts are based on procedure, age group, BMI group and sex. Patients are shown the following disclaimers in mymobility.
      1. Patients ranking ‘high’
        1. If you notice increased pain or swelling, you may be overdoing some daily activities.
        2. It is important to follow your instructions in mymobility and any other instructions from your surgeon and care team.
      2. Patients ranking ‘low’
        1. Slow and steady improvements support healthy progress. Every patient’s progress is different. The success of your recovery is not based on these metrics alone.
        2. If you are not achieving your walking or steps goal, consider discussing this with your care team.
      3. Patients ranking ‘on track’
        1. Every patient’s progress is different.
        2. It is important to follow your instructions in mymobility and any other instructions from your surgeon and care team.
  • Double Support Percentage: Displays an interactive graph of the patient’s daily average double support percentage over time. This represents the average percentage of time both of a patient’s feet are touching the ground during the walking cycle. By using your mouse cursor to move along the graph, each day’s specific average double support percentage will be displayed on the graph. The overall pre- and post-surgery averages are visible on the top section of the card. Three-time windows can be selected at the bottom by clicking on the different options. If the day of surgery falls within the selected window, a vertical line and label will indicate this day on the visual.
    • 1 week (1W)
      1. Show the last 7 days of average double support percentage data for the patient.
    • 1 month (1M)
      1. Show the last 30 days of average double support percentage data for the patient.
    • 3 months (3M)
      1. Show the last 90 days of average double support percentage data for the patient.
  • Pain: Displays an interactive graph of the patient’s pain ratings over time. The solid line shows approximated trends throughout the selected time window, while the solid dots show exact pain ratings on that day as reported by the patient. Hover over a data point to display the date and pain level reported. Given that the date of surgery falls within the currently displayed time period, it will be displayed as a solid vertical line. Toggle between 2-time windows, episode of care and last 30 days, by clicking the buttons at the top of the card. Clicking the chart icon will expand the section and display the last 14 pain ratings, starting with the most recent. Use the buttons at the bottom to switch between pain ratings and reported medication usage.
  • Exercises: Displays a patient’s exercise completion percentage. The calculation: Total number of repetitions completed (reported) by patient divided by total number of repetitions assigned to patient (to date). The percentage displayed will round to the nearest whole number. Keep in mind the following items related to the Exercises data:
    1. Clicking the chart icon will expand the section that will direct you to the patient’s protocol tab for a day-by-day description of a patient’s exercise completion.
    2. During the pre-surgery period, the following statistics will be available:
      1. All days: This exercise adherence ring will display with a number and color, as well as show a percentage within the progress ring. The percentage represents the patient’s exercise completion for all available days thus far.
      2. Last 3 days: This adherence ring displays the exercise adherence for the past 3 days.
      3. Difficulty Rating: After each exercise routine, the patient will rate the routine’s difficulty. The difficulty rating is the following: 2 = Way too easy; 1 = A little easy; 0 = Just right; -1 = A little hard; -2 = Way too hard. This is the average rating that shows underneath both adherence rings.
      4. *Note: While the All days pre-surgery exercise ring will display post-surgery, the other rings and exercise difficulties will reset after the patient’s day of surgery.
    3. During the post-surgery period, the following statistics will be available:
      1. Pre-surgery: The pre-surgery adherence ring will display the patient’s exercise adherence during this period, as well as a patient’s average exercise difficulty rating throughout the pre-surgery period.
      2. Post-surgery, Last 2 weeks: This adherence ring displays the exercise completion percentage for the past 2 weeks. An average exercise difficulty rating for the past 2 weeks is also displayed with a color that it corresponds to.
      3. Post-surgery, Last 3 days: This adherence ring displays the exercise completion percentage for the past 3 days.
      4. Difficulty Rating: After each exercise routine, the patient will rate the difficulty of the routine. The average of this rating for the time period shown displays under both adherence rings.
  • Education: Displays the patient’s education completion percentage. The calculation: Total number of education items “completed” (opened) by a patient divided by total number of education items assigned to a patient. Note: These values reset once the patient transitions from pre- to post-surgery. Keep in mind the following items related to the Education data:
    1. Clicking the chart icon will expand the section that will direct you to the patient’s protocol tab for a day by day description of a patient’s education completion.
    2. During the pre-surgery period:
      1. All days: This education completion ring will show a percentage within the progress ring based for all available days of assigned education.
      2. Last 3 days: This education completion ring displays the education completion percentage for the past 3 days.
    3. During the post-surgery period:
      1. Pre-surgery: The pre-surgery ring will display the patient’s education completion percentage during this period by displaying a percentage within the progress ring.
      2. Post-surgery, Last 2 weeks: This adherence ring displays the education completion percentage for the past 2 weeks.
      3. Post-surgery, Last 3 days: This adherence ring displays the education completion percentage for the past 3 days.
  • Steps: Displays the average number of steps for a period of time, with data pulled from Apple HealthKit and Google Fit. Note: Today will not be included in the calculations as only full days are included in the calculations. Keep in mind the following items related to the Steps data:
    1. Clicking the chart icon will display a chart with the last two weeks (14 days) of a patient’s steps data, beginning the last full day.
    2. During the pre-surgery period:
      1. All days: Displays a total average accumulation of steps from all available pre-surgery days.
      2. Last 5 days: Displays a step-count average for the past 5 days. Note: If the patient has less than 5 days of data, it will report based on the number of days available.
    3. During the post-surgery period:
      1. Pre-surgery: The total steps taken during pre-surgery will display as an average per day over the pre-surgery period.
      2. Post-surgery, Last 2 weeks: Displays an average per day step count for the past 2 weeks. Note: If there are less than 14 days available, the average will display with the number of days that are available.
      3. Post-surgery, Last 5 days: Displays a step-count average for the past 5 days.
  • Stand: Displays the hours a patient has stood for at least once per hour, averaged by day. Stand data is only available for patients using Apple Watch. Note: Today will not be included in the calculations as only full days are included in the calculations. If there are no stand time statistics available, a dash will replace the number. Keep in mind the following items related to the Stand data:
    1. Clicking the chart icon will display a chart with the last two weeks (14 days) of a patient’s stand hour data, beginning the last full day.
    2. During the pre-surgery period:
      1. All days: Displays a number that represents the average stand hours per day for all days available.
      2. Last 5 days: Displays a number that represents the patient’s standing average for the last 5 days. Note: If the patient has less than 5 days of data, the average will report based on the number of days available.
    3. During the post-surgery period:
      1. Pre-surgery: Displays the average number of stand hours for all days available during pre-surgery.
      2. Post-surgery, Last 2 weeks: Displays a number that represents the patient’s standing average for the last 2 weeks.
      3. Post-surgery, Last 5 days: Displays a number that represents the patient’s standing average for the last 5 days.
  • Flights of Stairs: Displays the average number of floors per day, calculated based on an elevation of about 10 feet.  Flights of Stairs is only available for patients using iPhone. Keep in mind the following items related to the Flights of Stairs data:
    1. Clicking the chart icon will display a chart with the last two weeks (14 days) of a patient’s stairs data, beginning the previous full day.
    2. During the pre-surgery period:
      1. All days: Displays the average number of flights climbed for all available days.
      2. Last 5 days: Displays the average number of flights climbed for the last 5 days.
    3. During the post-surgery period:
      1. Pre-surgery: Displays the average number of flights climbed during all available pre-surgery days.
      2. Post-surgery, Last 2 weeks: Displays the average number of flights climbed during the last 2 weeks.
      3. Post-surgery, Last 5 days: Displays the average number of flights climbed over the last 5 days.
  • Heart Rate: Displays the patient’s average Resting BPM (beats per minute) and average Walking BPM for a set number of days. The heart rate data is pulled from Apple HealthKit. Heart Rate is only available for patients using an iPhone. Keep in mind the following items related to the Heart Rate data:
    1. The heart rate data is displayed in a bar graph with a bar for both the Resting and Walking BPM. Note:The graph numbers can only display between 0-150. If the number is over 150, the graph will be maxed out, but the number will still show.
    2. Clicking the chart icon will display a chart with the last two weeks (14 days) of a patient’s resting BPM and walking BPM data, beginning with the previous full day.
    3. During the pre-surgery period:
      1. All days: Displays a number for both the resting and walking BPM average for all available days.
      2. Last 5 days: Displays a number for both the resting and walking BPM average for the last 5 days.
    4. During the post-surgery period:
      1. Pre-surgery: Displays a number for both the resting and walking BPM average during all available pre-surgery days.
      2. Post-surgery, Last 2 weeks: Displays a number for both the resting and walking BPM average for the last 2 weeks.
      3. Post-surgery, Last 5 days: Displays a number for both the resting and walking BPM average for the last 5 days.
  • Heart Rate Variability: Displays the patient’s heart rate variability for a set number of days. The heart rate data is pulled from Apple HealthKit. Heart Rate Variability is only available for patients using an iPhone. Keep in mind the following items related to the Heart Rate Variability data:
    1. Clicking the chart icon will display a chart with the last two weeks (14 days) of a patient’s heart rate variability data, beginning the previous full day.
    2. During the pre-surgery period:
      1. All days: Displays a number for the heart rate variability average for all available days.
      2. Last 5 days: Displays a number for the heart rate variability average for the last 5 days.
    3. During the post-surgery period:
      1. Pre-surgery: Displays a number for the heart rate variability average during all available pre-surgery days.
      2. Post-surgery, Last 2 weeks: Displays a number for the heart rate variability average for the last 2 weeks.
      3. Post-surgery, Last 5 days: Displays a number for the heart rate variability average for the last 5 days.
  • Apple Watch: If a patient has connected an Apple Watch, this statistic will appear and display data on how often the patient is wearing their Apple Watch to take into consideration when viewing other statistics. We suggest that patients wear their watch at least 8 hours a day, at least 4 days a week for the Clinician to benefit from their statistics. Keep in mind the following items related to Apple Watch wear statistics:
    • Clicking the chart icon will display a week by week history of the patient’s watch wear. Weeks that the patient has hit their wear goal, stated above, will have a green checkmark. Weeks start Sunday.
    • Per day: Average hours a day that a patient is wearing their Apple Watch.
    • Per week: Average days per week that a patient is wearing their Apple Watch.
    • Goal met: The goal met will begin being calculated once the patient connects their Apple Watch and if they are at least within 20 days before surgery. This will show the number of weeks the patient has met their goal over the number of weeks a patient has not met their goal.
    • *Note: only full weeks are counted. The day of surgery is not counted and therefore the week of surgery is not counted.

Exceptions Tab:
This tab will allow the user to view and manage the threshold exceptions for the patient. Exceptions are automatically detected by the system based on health data received from the patient’s device. An exception may only occur on a single day or remain open for several based on trends in the patient’s physical activity. Exceptions always have a type – or the “trigger” for the exception being detected, the date the exception was detected, the patient’s required check-in response or in the case of disabled exceptions – the care team members reason for the action, and current status. Note: Each exception with ongoing data that spans across multiple days can be expanded by clicking the down arrow. This will display each day of the exception episode and the relevant metric for which the exception is triggered. The information on this tab is divided into the following sections:

  • Active
    • The currently active exceptions detected for the patient. An active exception is an exception, either new or ongoing that is currently highlighted on the patient’s short card.
    • Actions that can be taken on exceptions in this view include:
      1. Message: directly send the patient a message. This message will appear in the normal messaging thread for both the patient and all care team members.
      2. Snooze: temporarily stop highlighting for the care team, giving the patient a chance to resolve the exception. If the patient doesn’t resolve the exception within the selected time window, it will again be highlighted once that period expires.
        • Available snooze periods
          • 3 days
          • 1 week
          • 10 days
          • 2 weeks
      3. Disable: permanently stop detecting and highlighting this exception type for the patient. Note: You must add a comment when doing this action.
  • Snoozed
    • Exception instances that have been temporarily snoozed by a member of the care team. Once the snooze window expires, if the exception is not resolved, it will move back into the Active Exceptions The date the snooze period will expire is visible for each exception in this section.
  • Disabled
    • When a care team member permanently disables an exception type from being detected and highlighted for the patient, it will be visible here. The disabled exception types include a mandatory note, input by the care team member who disabled it. In this section, you can also “Enable” the exception type, allowing the system to being checking the patient’s data for this type of exception in the future.
  • History
    • Past exceptions are listed in this section. When a patient resolves an exception, that exception instance with all of its relevant data will move to the history section.
  • *Note: You may set up email notifications in My Profile to be emailed when a new exception is created on behalf of one of your patients or a scheduled summary email containing the number of currently active exceptions, listed by exception category, across all patients on your care teams.

Protocol Tab:

Clicking here will list the patient’s assigned protocol, if there is one available. If a procedure is discharged, the “Protocol Tab” will list their most recent assigned protocol. The following explains how to navigate and effectively use this tab:

  • Change protocol button: By selecting this button you are able to edit the patient’s current protocol by changing the exercise level or enabling/disabling education.
  • Protocol Tab Layout: The patient’s current, assigned protocol and level is available to view in a table format. The table includes the following columns:
    1. Day → The day of the protocol (e.g., -30, -25, +5, +11 etc.).
    2. Date → The date when that protocol event was assigned to be completed. Note: If patients do not complete assigned education and assessment items on the days that they are due, they have the opportunity to complete them in future days. Exercise items will not be available to be completed on days after they are due.
    3. Completed → Indicates the completion of each protocol item. A different indicator will appear, depending on the following activities:
      1. Checkmark: Education items and Surveys that are completed on their assigned date.
      2. # of days late: Education items and Assessments that are completed late.
      3. Missed: Exercise tasks not completed on their assigned day.
      4. Percentage of Reps/Minutes: Shows a percentage of completed reps/minutes vs reps/minutes assigned for Exercise items that were completed on their assigned day.
      5. Blank: Items in the future that have yet to be completed.
    4. Type → The type of protocol item (e.g., Education, Exercises, or Assessments).
    5. Title → Displays the name of the education items and assessments, as well as the title and level of an exercise.
    6. Drop-Down Arrow → Click on the drop-down arrow to expand the row and view more specific information about the protocol item.
      1. If the item is an education, the system will load the item below its protocol row.
      2. If the item is an assessment, the system will load the assessment and indicate if it has been completed. If it was completed, there will be a score and a link to view the results on the survey tab. Note: If you want to see the answers of the assessment, please click on the “Assessments” tab.
      3. If the item is an exercise, the system will load a table with the exercises included in the routine, the number of reps/minutes completed vs. assigned, and if the exercise was completed or missed.
  • Protocol Filter Options: Click on the All Types drop-down menu to view a specific category of assigned tasks within a protocol including All Types, Education, Exercises, and Assessments.

Displays a message thread between the patient and his/her care team. You can view the messages from these two locations in the system: Home Page→Messages Icon→Messages Page or Patient Details Page→Messages Tab. Here are a few items to keep in mind when viewing messages:

  • A magenta messages icon indicates an unresolved message between the patient and his/her Care Team.
  • The message thread will be ONE ongoing chat between all clinical users who are part of a care team and the patient. The patient will see the same message thread as clinical users, along with the photos of each clinical user in the thread.
  • You can respond to the patient by clicking in the “message box” and typing in your message. When you are done composing, click “Send” and the patient will receive a notification they have received a message.
  • The message thread is specific to the episode of care, depending on the assigned Care Team you may see different people available in the message thread when you toggle between episodes of care.
  • For more information on messaging, please see Section: Messages.

This tab will show the surveys and range of motion assessments that are assigned to and completed by patients, including the following information:

  • In the left column, you can view:
    1. Date the survey or range of motion assessment was assigned
    2. Completion status
  • In the right column, under a survey you can view:
    1. The entire survey, listed verbatim
    2. Score
    3. Survey answers
  • In the right column, under a range of motion assessment you can view:
    1. A summary of the assessment results
    2. Max and min range of motion
    3. Difficulty and pain ratings
    4. Thumbnail of the patient performing the assessment
    5. Videoclip of the patient performing the assessment
  • If no surveys have been assigned, this message will show: “No surveys have been assigned to date.”
  • Care Team Assignments: This page allows the user to see and manage the clinical assignments for the specific episode of care of the patient. It contains a button to create new assignments (which require assignee(s) and a short description). Every assignment can be expanded to view its history on the page via the “View Assignment History” button. There are two main sections on the page:
  • Open Assignments: Here you can view all open assignments for the episode of care, this includes unacknowledged (brighter color) and in-progress assignments (lighter color). Assignments can be urgent (red) and non-urgent (yellow). A variety of actions can be taken on open assignments:
    1. Acknowledge: Any care team member can acknowledge an unacknowledged assignment, but they will become the assignee on it. This also moves the assignment to in progress
    2. Resolve: Any care team member can resolve an in-progress assignment. This will open a new page, where a short resolution message is required.
    3. Edit (pen button): Any care team member can edit the assignment. This will open a new page where the description, assignees, and urgency level can be edited. Comments can also be added to provide background on the edit.
    4. Commenting: comments can be added to the assignment in page by any care team members
  • Resolved Assignments: Here you can view all resolved assignments for the episode of care. You can view the specific history of each assignment and expand it within the page, and you can reopen the assignment. Reopening the assignment will take you to a new page where you must assign new assignees and provide a reason for reopening before saving and updating the status of the assignment.

NOTE: You may set up email notifications in My Profile to be emailed when a new assignment is assigned to you or a scheduled email announcing that you have a new assignment.

Care Teams

The Care Teams Page is where you can view and manage Care Teams and Clinical Users. To access the Care Teams page, click on the Navigation drop-down menu in the header. Note: Only clinical users with “Administrator Privileges” may create, edit, or delete other clinical users and care teams. For more information, please see Section 10: Administrative Access.

View Care Teams:
Click the “Care Teams” button to view Care Teams. By default, the “Care Teams” option will be selected when you navigate to the Care Teams Page.

View Clinical Users:
Click the “Clinical Users” button to view all the Clinical Users that are in your care teams. If you are a Clinical User with “Administrator Privileges,” you will see all Clinical Users.

Deactivated Users:
Clicking “deactivated users” allows the user to filter on deactivated clinical users.

Manage office hours:
Click the “Manage office hours” button at the top of the Care Teams page to set your care team’s clinic office hours. On this page you can enter a custom Out of Office message for your patients to see outside of clinic office hours. Use this feature to set patient expectations for care team messaging response times and/or provide alternative ways to seek care while the care team is out of office.


In this section, you can learn about the available protocols and how to view them. You can access the Protocols page from these two locations in the system: Header→Navigation drop-down menu→Protocols OR Patient Profile Page→Assign a Protocol.

On the Protocols page, you can view all available protocols, sort by specific protocols, and preview the different elements (i.e., Education, Exercises, and Surveys) within each protocol.

  • The Protocols page will consist of a “short card” view for each protocol available. By default, all protocols will be listed in alphabetical order by protocol name. Within each protocol card, you can see the following information:
    1. Protocol name, Protocol description (if there is no description, the space will be blank), Duration, Routines (will display all routine level options available for that protocol).
  • You can filter the page by procedure by clicking on the All Protocols drop-down menu on the top-right side of the page.
  • If you click on any protocol card, you will be taken to the Protocol Preview page.
    1. At the top of the Protocol Preview page will be the title of the protocol.
    2. Below that will be the following information:
      1. Description: The description of the protocol. If there is no description, the space will be blank.
      2. Duration: The length of the protocol
      3. Routines: The available routine levels (i.e., Level 1, Level 2, or no exercises)
    3. If you are part of a client that supports multiple languages, you will be able to change the protocol view to see each language version of each protocol.  If your client does not support multiple languages, you will only be able to see protocols in the language supported by your client.
    4. You can filter the protocol by clicking the All types drop-down menu so you can only view specific items (i.e., All types, Education, Exercises or Surveys) within the protocol.
    5. You can select the All types drop-down menu to filter the protocol by levels.
      1. If “All types” or “Exercises” is selected from the All types drop-down menu, the level filter will default to display all levels, but include the following two options: Level 1 or Level 2.
      2. If “Education” or “Surveys” are selected, the All types drop-down menu will be defaulted to the option “-“ instead.
  • At the top of the Protocol page, there is a table that lists the following information about the protocol:
    1. Day→ The day of the protocol (e.g., -30, -25, +5, +11 etc.).
    2. Type→ The type of protocol item (e.g., Education, Exercises, and Survey).
    3. Level→ Displays “-“ for Education and Surveys; displays “1” or “2” for Exercises.
    4. Title→ Displays the title name of the Education, Surveys, and Exercises.
    5. Drop-Down Arrow→ Click on the drop-down arrow to expand the row and view more specific information about the protocol item. Note: Multiple rows can be expanded at once.
      1. If the item is an education, the system will load the item below the protocol row.
      2. If the item is a survey, the system will load the survey title and all survey text.
      3. If the item is an exercise, the system will load a table with the exercises included in the routine and the number of reps/minutes assigned for each exercise.


This section will explain the messaging capabilities between patients and clinical users throughout mymobility. You can access the messaging thread from a few different places: Header→Messages Icon→Messages Page OR Home Page→Patient Details Page→Messages Tab OR Home Page→Messages Page.

You can message patients, along with the patient’s other care team members in one messaging thread. Each patient will have only ONE ongoing message thread, and any member of the patient’s care team can send/receive messages in the thread. Please follow the instructions below to send a patient a new message:

  • From the “message thread,” enter the message in the dialog box next to the “Send” button.
  • When you have finished composing your message, click the “Send” button.
  • Your message should now appear on the bottom of the thread, since it is the most recent message. The patient will receive a notification when they receive a new message.
  • Underneath each message in the thread, there is a line that says who sent the message, the date the message was sent, and the time it was sent. Next to each message, a user’s profile photo will display.
  • Note: If you do not have a profile photo in the system, the patient will see a placeholder photo instead.
  • In the right column (next to the message thread) is the patient’s contact information, along with a list of names of the clinical users who are in their care team.

Messages Icon:
Clicking the messages icon from the Header will you take to the Messages page where you can see unresolved message threads for all of your patients. The “Messages” icon in the main mymobility header bar will have a magenta-coloured superscript number in the upper right corner if there are any unresolved message threads.

Messages Page Layout:
The Messages page includes a variety of information about the type of message sent and ways to sort your messages. Keep in mind the following items for easier navigation on this page.

  • Within the Messages page, there is a header bar with different sorting options as well as several columns of message information.
    1. In the Messages page header bar, you can see the following items:
      1. Number of unresolved messages you have.
      2. A toggle bar with the option to view unresolved or resolved messages.
        1. The unresolved view will only display unresolved messages.
        2. The resolved view will only display resolved messages from the past thirty days. To view older messages, go to the patient’s Patient Details Page > Messages.
      3. Most recent drop-down menu → Click here to sort your messages in the following ways:
        1. Most recent: Sort the messages so the most recent messages are at the top and the oldest messages at the bottom.
        2. Last name: Sort messages alphabetically (in descending order, A-Z) by the patient’s last name.
    2. Within the messaging columns, you can see the following information:
      1. Profile Photo and Patient Name: The patient’s profile photo will show first, with his/her name.
      2. Most recent text: This column will show up to two lines of the message text, depending on the text. If there is additional information beyond those two lines, there will be an ellipsis (…) to indicate more text. If there is a photo or video in the most recent message, there will be an icon depicting that type of message in the content line of the message.
      3. Date/Time: If the most recent message was sent today, this column will show the time the message was sent. If the message was sent yesterday, it will read “Yesterday.” If it was sent within the last week, (but not today or yesterday) it will show the day of the week. If the message was sent longer than a week ago, it will display the date in MM/DD/YY format.
      4. Resolved/Unresolved: If a message has not been resolved yet, an exclamation point will appear on the far-right side of the message line. If a message has been resolved, there will be no exclamation point.
  • An unresolved message is a message that has not yet been taken care of and therefore needs action by a care team member. When a message is unresolved, all care team members will see the unresolved icon.
  • Any care team member can mark a patient’s message as resolved. Keep in mind that marking a message as resolved will dismiss all notifications from other care team members’ dashboards and messaging screens.
  • By default, the messages list will show the most recent messages received at the top of the list and the older messages at the bottom. Note: If you have no messages yet, the screen will say: “No messages have been received.
  • Clicking on a message line will take you directly to the message thread on the Patient Details page.
  • When a patient is discharged from the mymobility program, their message string will be removed from your message list.

Message Notifications

  • To set up preferred options for message notifications, visit My Profile. You will have the following options to receive email notifications for messages:
    1. Immediately – You can choose to receive email notifications immediately upon receipt of a new patient message or newly detected exception. These notifications are on a slight delay so that if you are active in the application, you will not receive a notification.
      1. You may choose to receive immediate message notifications either All Days, Monday-Friday, or not at all.
    2. Scheduled – You can choose to receive email notifications as reminders for the number of unresolved messages or active exceptions for patients in your care team.
      1. You may choose to receive these reminders at all or some of the following times:
        • 8:00 AM
        • 12:00 PM
        • 4:45 PM
      2. You may also choose to receive these notifications All days, Monday-Friday, or not at all.

Telehealth Video Visit

The telehealth video visit provides a channel for the clinicians to connect with their patient using the audio and video capabilities through mymobility.

The clinical user can use mymobility to setup the video visit with the existing patient for non-surgical procedures and manage their treatment plan. To set up a telehealth video visit appointment, the clinician will have to navigate to Menu -> Video visit to access the Video visit homepage.

Video visit homepage
The Video visit homepage provides a one stop view for all aspects related to setting up and managing the video visit with the patient. The clinical user can access the following from the video visit homepage

  • Upcoming visits – all upcoming video visits will be displayed in a chronological order with the most recent date and time listed at the top
  • Filter by patient or MRN – clinical user can filter by providing either the patient name or MRN to see only the appointments specific to a patient
  • Mine – Allows the clinical user to view just the appointments scheduled for them
  • System check – allows the clinical user to test if the camera, speaker and microphone to ensure the audio/video are setup prior to the appointment
  • Add – allows the clinical user to set up the video visit appointment with existing patient

The video visit with the patient can be broken into 4 phases.

Add video visit appointment
The clinical user can set up the video visit appointment from the Video visit homepage by navigating to Add a visit page by clicking on “Add”. To setup the appointment, the following information needs to be entered

  • Patient name: This is a mandatory field where the clinical user will enter the patient name. The field will prompt the patient name as the clinical user is typing it, if the patient is a registered user of mymobility.
  • Care team member: It’s mandatory to provide the care team member who will be the primary attendee of the video visit in the Care team member field. There are also 2 other fields to provide optional Care team members who may need to be part of the appointment
  • Scheduled: Clinical user can select schedule a video visit and set up an appointment by providing the following information: date, time, duration. The clinical user can also add any special instructions to the patient using the Patient instructions field and select Add visit. The appointment will be added to the Video visit page and a notification will be sent to the patient.
  • Immediate: Clinical user can select Immediate and set up an impromptu appointment with the patient. When Add immediate visit is clicked to setup the appointment, the appointment information will be added to the video visit page and a notification will be sent to the patient informing the patient join the video call.

Manage video visit appointment
The clinical user can manage the video visit appointment from the Video visit homepage. All the upcoming video visits will be listed in chronological order with the most recent appointment at the top. The clinical user can manage the appointments by clicking on:

  • Change – The clinical user can edit the existing appointment or reschedule the appointment with the patient. When an appointment is changed, a notification is sent to the patient informing that the appointment was updated.
  • Cancel – Allows the clinical user to cancel an existing video visit appointment. When an appointment is cancelled, a notification is sent to the patient informing that the appointment was cancelled.

Attend video visit with patient
The clinical user can go to the video visit page to look up upcoming appointments and when there is an appointment upcoming in the next 5 mins, “Start” button would show up under Change/Cancel, so that you can start the video call. When the patient has joined the call, the clinical user will be shown that the patient has checked in and will be able click on “Join”to participate in the video call. During the video call as, a clinical user you will be able to –

  • See yourself and the patient video
  • Click on the split screen icon to see the patient video and the patient details page in the same screen
  • Mute/Unmute the speaker
  • Switch the camera on and off
  • Chat with the patient during the video call
  • Leave the call without disconnecting the video visit
  • End the call for all participants

Add notes post visit
At the end of the call as a clinical user, you can add patient notes, and it will be added to the patient history. The added notes will also be available in the patient report for further reference.

If the patient did not show up to the video visit, the clinical user will be able to mark the patient as a “No-show” after the ending the video call for billing purposes.

Administrative Access

The Clinical User with “Administrative Privileges” has additional access beyond other Clinical Users or Clinical Users with “Surgeon Privileges.” As a clinical user with “Administrative Privileges,” you have access to create, edit, deactivate, and reactivate Clinical User profiles, and create, edit, and delete Care Teams. To see more specific “Administrative Privileges” access information, please refer to the User Types Table in Section: Home Page.

Home Page:

  • My profile: In addition to being able to upload and edit your profile photo and change your password, you may also edit all other fields on this page. Note: You will have access to edit other clinical user profiles as well.

Create New Care Teams:
You have access to create new care teams. Please follow the steps below to create a new care team:

  • Click on the “Care Teams” button from the Main Navigation drop-down menu, available on any page in the mymobility main header bar.
  • From the Care Teams Page, click on the Create drop-down menu and then select “Care team.”
  • You will be taken to the Create a Team page where there will be three fields:
    1. Team Name (required field) → Enter the care team name.
    2. Clinical Users (optional field) → You can choose to add the clinical users now or later. Keep in mind that if you don’t add users when creating the care team, that care team will not appear when creating a patient profile. To add clinical users to the care team, a list of all clinical users in the system with a checkbox next to each of their names, will display. To choose users, click the box to add a checkmark. This will indicate the user has been selected for the care team.
  • When finished, click the “Create Team” button on the bottom of the page. Note: If you choose a care team name that is already being used, the system will notify you when you click the create button.
  • If your Care Team was created successfully, you will be taken back to the Care Teams Page and a success message will be displayed.

Edit Care Teams:
From the Care Teams page, you can edit care teams. Please follow the instructions below to edit a care team:

  • From the Care Teams page, make sure the “Care Teams” toggle button is selected.
  • From the list of care team cards, select the care team that needs to be edited.
  • On that care team’s page, if you need to edit the care team name, click on the pencil icon next to the care team name.
  • Click the “Edit clinical users” button on the right side of the screen.
  • You will be directed to Edit Clinical Users page with a list of all clinical users in the overall system.
  • The users that are in the specific care team will have a checkmark in the box next to his/her name.
  • To remove a user, click the boxes next to the clinical user’s name. This action will uncheck the box, indicating you would like that user removed from the care team.
  • When you are finished editing the users within the care team, click the “Save edits” button on the bottom right corner of the page and you will return to the Care Team page.

Delete Care Teams:
You may delete a Care Team from the system by following these instructions:

  • From the Care Teams Page, make sure the “Care Teams” toggle button is selected.
  • From the list of Care Team cards, select the Care Team that needs to be deleted.
  • On that care team’s page, click the “Delete this team” button at the bottom of the page.
  • Keep in mind the following items when deleting a Care Team:
    1. If there are clinical users who are still a part of that care team and only belong to that care team, there will be a message saying: “There are care team members who need to be added to another care team before deleting this care team.”
    2. If there are still patients in the care team, a message will pop-up saying: “Please reassign <# of patients> patients to a new care team before deleting this care team.”
    3. If both patients and clinical users are still a part of the care team, you will receive a message saying: “There are care team members and patients who need to be added to another care team before deleting this care team.”

Create New Clinical Users:
You have access to create new clinical user profiles. Please follow the instructions below to create a new clinical user profile:

  • From the Care Teams page, click on the Create drop-down menu on the right side of the screen and select “Clinical user.”
  • On the Create a Clinical User page, enter the new user’s demographic information in the following fields:
    1. Required Fields: First and Last Name, Title, Email Address, Mobile Number, Care Team(s)
    2. Optional: Permissions box for “Admin” or “Surgeon,” Prefix, Suffix
  • Note: The “Permissions” field will allow you to give extended access to the user. If you are unsure what the differences are, click on the question mark icon for more information.
  • Once you have entered in the required user information, click “Create” to finish the new Clinical user profile. Note: This process will trigger the system to send the new user a welcome email with instructions on how to log in, as well as a separate temporary password email.
  • When setting up a new user account, it’s a good practice for the user to utilize a hospital or practice-based email address. However, if the user does not have that kind of email address, a personal email address can also be used.

Edit Clinical User Profiles:
Only clinical users with “Administrative Privileges” may edit a clinical user profile. Please follow the instructions below to edit a clinical user profile:

  • Click on the “Care Teams” button from the Main Navigation drop-down menu, available on any page on the Header.
  • From the Care Teams page, click on the “Clinical Users” button to show only the clinical users.
  • Scroll until you find the user profile card and click on it. You will be directed to the Clinical User Profile page.
  • Edit the necessary fields and when you are done, click the “Save profile” button in the bottom right corner.
  • You will be directed back to the Care Teams page and a success message will appear.

Remove Clinical User from Care Team:
Clinical users can be moved from one care team to another in two different ways.

  • To remove a clinical user from the Care Teams page, follow the instructions below:
    1. From the Care Teams page, make sure the “Care Teams” toggle button is selected.
    2. From the list of care team cards, select the care team that needs to be edited.
    3. On that care team’s page, click the “Edit clinical users” button on the right side of the screen.
    4. You will be directed to the Edit Clinical Users page with a list of all clinical users in the overall system.
    5. The users that are in the specific care team will have a checkmark in the box next to her/his name.
    6. To remove a user(s), click the boxes next to the clinical user’s name. This action will uncheck the box, indicating you would like that user removed from the care team.
    7. When you are finished editing the users within the care team, click the “Save edits” button on the bottom right corner of the page.
  • To remove a clinical user from the user’s profile page, follow these steps:
    1. From the Clinical User Profile page, under the section labeled “Care Teams,” uncheck the box next to the care team to remove the user from that specific care team.
    2. Once you are finished editing the user’s care team selections, click the “Save profile” button on the bottom right.

Deactivate Clinical Users:
Clinical users should be deactivated if they will no longer be involved with patient care at your facility. A clinical user with Administrative Privileges is the only user able to deactivate other clinical users, but please note that a user with Administrative Privileges cannot deactivate themselves. If a clinical user with Administrative Privileges needs to be deactivated, please contact mymobility support. To deactivate Clinical Users, please follow the steps below:

  • From any page within the system, click on the Navigation main drop-down menu in the header. Then, choose “Care Teams.”
  • From the Care Teams page, click on the “Clinical Users” button to show only the clinical user profile cards.
  • The page will display all active clinical user profiles. Scroll until you find the clinical user profile you would like to deactivate and click on it.
  • That user profile page will appear. On bottom of the profile, click on the “Deactivate Profile” button.
  • Before profile deactivation is complete, a message will appear asking if you would like to deactivate the clinical user. Click “Yes” to deactivate the user profile.
  • If the user profile has been deactivated successfully, you will be directed back to the Care Teams page and will see a success message displayed.
  • Once a clinical user has been deactivated, the user will not be able to log in to the system or initiate password requests for their accounts. It also means the user will be removed from all care teams so their patients will no longer see the user as part of their Care Team in the mymobility app.

Reactivate Clinical Users:
You can see any discharged Clinical User on the Care Teams page. Please follow the instructions below to reactivate a clinical user:

  • Click on the Navigation main drop-down menu in the Header, in the upper right corner. Then, click on the “Care Teams” button.
  • From the Care Teams page, click on “Deactivated users.”
  • The next page will display all deactivated clinical user profiles. Scroll until you find the clinical user profile you would like to reactivate and click on it.
  • The user’s profile page will appear. At the bottom of the profile, click on the “Reactivate Profile” button.
  • Before profile reactivation is complete, a message will appear asking if you are sure that you’d like to reactivate the clinical user. Click “Yes” to reactivate the user profile.

ROSA® Robotics

Home Page

  • Main Menu: New elements make it easy to navigate to reporting & ROSA Robotics related features
    1. OrthoIntel: Goes to the OrthoIntel Orthopedic Intelligence Platform, including the intra-operative analytics page for surgeons to view reports about their ROSA patient population.
    2. ROSA data import: Goes to the ROSA data import page where you can import and manage patient’s intra-operative ROSA Robotics data.
    3. ROSA reps: Goes to the ROSA reps page where users with administrative privileges can create and manage ROSA Rep Users.

Home Page Controls

  • Filters: for managing ROSA patients
    1. ROSA with data: ROSA Robotics patients with their surgery data imported
    2. ROSA without data: ROSA Robotics patients without their surgery data imported
    3. non-ROSA: Patients not receiving a ROSA Robotics procedure

Patient Cards

  • Patient Card Icons:
    1. ROSA badge: A ROSA icon badge will display next to the messages icon if they are a patient receiving a ROSA Robotics procedure. There are 2 possible states for the badge:
      • Normal: Patient has their surgery data imported
      • Grayed-out: Patient does not yet have their surgery data imported

Create a new ROSA patient

  • On the Create a Patient page, new details and validation are required when enrolling a new ROSA patient or modifying a current patient to become a ROSA patient:
    1. Required Medical Fields: Care Team, Surgeon, Procedure, Surgery Side, ROSA
      • Note: Patients must be assigned to a ROSA surgeon and be receiving a ROSA-supported procedure (currently TKA,
        PKA, and THA) in order to be eligible to receive the ROSA status.

ROSA patient details page

  • Progress Tab
    1. ROSA: If available, displays three of the patient’s key measurements collected before and after their ROSA Robotics procedure. Note: These values will appear once the patient’s surgery log file has been imported into the mymobility system. Keep in mind the following items related to the ROSA data:
      • Clicking the chart icon will expand the section that will direct you to the patient’s ROSA tab for a complete overview of the collected surgery data.
    2. During the pre-surgery period, the measurements will not be available.
    3. During the post-surgery period, the measurements will be available as soon as the patient’s individual log file has been imported and confirmed through the ROSA data import process.
  • ROSA Tab: Clicking here will show a complete view of the patient’s measurements collected before surgery and intra-operatively, if available.
    1. If the data hasn’t been imported yet, the imported data is incomplete, or the patient is still in their pre-surgery phase. The table will show dashes in place of the missing data.
    2. Once the data becomes available, you can download an original copy of the surgeon log that was collected from the device and imported into the system by clicking the Download data button on the top right of the screen.

ROSA Administrative privileges
The clinical users with “Administrative Privileges” have additional access to features pertaining to ROSA Robotics. As a clinical user with “Administrative Privileges”, you have the ability to create and edit ROSA Rep User profiles, as well as designate clinical users with “Surgeon Privileges” as ROSA Surgeons.

ROSA Reps Page

  • The ROSA Reps Page is where you can view and manage ROSA Rep Users. To access the ROSA Reps Page, click on the Navigation drop-down menu in the header.
  • Create a ROSA rep: You have access to create new ROSA Rep Users. From the ROSA Reps Page, click the “Create a ROSA rep” button to start the process of creating a new ROSA rep profile.
  • On the Create a ROSA rep page, enter the new user’s information in the following fields:
    1. First and Last Name, Email Address, Surgeons
      • Note: All fields are required.
    2. The set of ROSA-capable surgeons active are listed with checkboxes. To associate a ROSA rep user with a particular surgeon or set of surgeons, the appropriate checkboxes must be selected. This will give the ROSA rep user access to that surgeon’s patients in order to import and manage ROSA surgery data.
    3. Click the “Create” button to finish the new ROSA rep user profile. Note: This process will trigger the system to send the new user a welcome email with instructions to finish setting up their account and log in to the system.
  • Edit ROSA rep profile: Users with “Administrative Privileges” may edit a ROSA rep user profile.
    1. From the ROSA Reps Page, click on the profile card of the user you want to edit. Change the necessary fields and click “Save profile” to finish making changes.
    2. You may also deactivate a ROSA rep user by clicking the “Deactivate profile” button. ROSA rep users should be deactivated if they will no longer be involved in managing ROSA surgeon data for their surgeons. This action will prevent the user from logging in to their account.

ROSA Surgeons

  • A clinical user with Surgeon Privileges will need to be designated as a ROSA surgeon in order to have ROSA patients created and assigned to them.
  • Designate a ROSA surgeon:
    1. To set up a surgeon as a ROSA surgeon, first navigate to that user’s profile from the Clinical Users page.
    2. Within the Permissions section of the profile page, if the user has “Surgeon” privileges selected, a set of radio buttons will appear below.
    3. Select the “ROSA” button and click “Save Profile.” Once saved, patients that are assigned to this surgeon can be enrolled as a ROSA patient or modified as such after enrollment.
    4. Note: Be careful when removing the ROSA designation from a Surgeon user with ROSA patients, as doing so will remove and block access to all ROSA features for both the surgeon and their affected patients. This operation is non-reversible, meaning that if you accidentally turn off the feature and turn it back on, that surgeon’s patients do not automatically receive the ROSA patient attribute.

ROSA Data import
Clinical users assigned to a care team with a ROSA surgeon and ROSA rep users will have access to the ROSA data import screen.

All patients screen: The “All patients” screen provides an overview of all the ROSA cases belonging to the surgeon(s) on your care team. In the case of a ROSA rep, the list contains all the ROSA cases for the ROSA surgeons that the user has been assigned to at their specific client.

  • Sorting and Filters
    1. Needs data: Clicking this button to turn the filter on will refine the list of patients to display only those who have not yet had their ROSA surgeon log imported.
    2. Filters dropdown: Selecting from this list will re-sort the patients list by Last name, Birth year, Surgery side, Surgeon name, Surgery date, or Imported date.
  • View filenames
    1. Clicking this button will toggle the visibility of the specific filenames associated with each patient who has a ROSA surgeon log imported. This can be useful for fixing mistakes in the importing process or for checking which files you’ve already imported into the system.
  • Import data screen: The import data screen allows the user to open a file browser and select one or more ROSA surgeon logs to attempt to import into the system.
  • Select files
    1. Open the computer’s file browser. Navigate to the USB drive or folder on the computer where the surgeon log files are located and select them. This will begin the import process and change the view to the matching workflow.
  • Import Status
    1. This line gives a quick glance of the results of the first stage on the import process.
      • Matches to confirm: The number of surgeon logs that the system was able to automatically match to ROSA patients.
      • Unmatched: The number of surgeon logs that the system was unable to automatically match to a patient.
      • Previously imported: If a log file has already been imported and paired to a patient, those names will appear in a tooltip when this text is clicked.
      • Done button: Clicking this will end the current matching session and return the user to the All patients view. Any unconfirmed matches will be ignored.
  • Confirm Matches
    1. Each system generated ROSA surgeon log to patient match will create two rows in the Confirm Matches table.
      • 1) The first row shows the decomposition of the case ID for that specific surgeon log.
      • 2) The second row shows the corresponding matching patient data to the case ID components in the above row.
      • All aspects of the case ID must match a currently enrolled post-surgery patient for the algorithm to correctly make a match and be displayed in this table.
  • Case ID specifications:
    1. All ROSA case IDs are unique and created on the ROSA device for each procedure. We use the case ID in the file name of each file to automatically match to a mymobility patient.
    2. Example: RTEF47L70RS19UR
Patient First Name Initial Patient Last Name First 2 Characters Unique Zimmer Number Surgery Side Patient Birth Year Surgeon Initials Year of Surgery Region and Product Code
R TE F47 L 70 RS 19 UR
ROSA Test Ignore Left 1970 ROSA Surgeon 2019 Ignore
  • File name format:
    1. Each surgeon log exported from the ROSA device will be created in its own folder named after the specific case ID for that procedure. Within the folder will be a file named “SurgeonLog-[caseID]-[surgery date]_[system generated numbers]. In order for the auto-matching algorithm to work correctly, this filename format must be maintained. Valid files of any name can be imported using the Manual Import feature.
    2. Example: SurgeonLog-RTEF47L70RS19UR-20191114_104141056325
  • Import Button
    1. Clicking this button will finalize the import of the ROSA surgeon log file to the corresponding matched patient. This is a required step.
    2. Trash Can Icon
      • Once a match has been confirmed and the file fully imported, the Confirm Button will become inactive, and a trash can icon will appear. Clicking this icon will unpair the log file from the patient and remove the data from the system.
  • Unmatched
    1. The Unmatched files table will list any files that were selected for import which were unable to be matched automatically by the system. An error message for each file will explain why the file was not accepted.
  • Post-surgery patients needing data
    1. All post-surgery ROSA patients the user has permission to manage who still need their ROSA data imported will be listed in this table. Using the Manually import button, you may select a single, valid, ROSA surgeon log file and pair with a known patient. Using this process doesn’t rely on the automatic matching function, allows the file to have any filename, and gives you more control over which log file gets paired to a patient. Similar to confirming an automatic match, once you manually import a file and the system accepts it, you will be able to click the trash can icon and remove it during the same session.

Persona IQ® Knee

Create a new Persona IQ patient

  • On the Create a Patient page, new details and validation are required when enrolling a new Persona IQ patient or modifying a current patient to become a Persona IQ patient:
    1. Required Medical Fields: Care Team, Surgeon, Procedure, Surgery Side, Persona IQ
      • Note: Patients must be assigned to a Persona IQ surgeon and be receiving a Persona IQ-supported procedure (currently only TKA) in order to be eligible to receive the Persona IQ status.

Persona IQ patient details page

  • Progress Tab WalkAI™ Patient Progress card: You can view a patient’s progress for specific metrics such as, qualified steps and knee ROM. The toggle allows you to enable or disable the feature for your patient.  Note: This only changes this specific patient’s ability to view the WalkAI™ Patient Progress in the  mymobility app. Note: The progress shown  is based on the patient’s rank for the specific metric in their comparison cohort.  Cohorts are based on procedure, age group, BMI group, pre-op activity level and sex. Patients are presented with  the following disclaimers in mymobility.
    • Patients ranking ‘high’
      • If you notice increased pain or swelling, you may be overdoing some daily activities.
      • It is important to follow your instructions in mymobility and any other instructions from your surgeon and care team.
    • Patients ranking ‘low’
      • Slow and steady improvements support healthy progress. Every patient’s progress is different.  The success of your recovery is not based on these metrics alone.
      • If you are not achieving your qualified steps or knee ROM goal, consider discussing this with your care team.
      • It is important to follow your instructions in mymobility and any other instructions from your surgeon and care team.
    • Patients ranking ‘on track’
      • Every patient’s progress is different.
      • It is important to follow your instructions in mymobility and any other instructions from your surgeon and care team.
  •  Persona IQ data is displayed on six unique stat cards: Qualified Step Count, Distance, Range of Motion, Walking Speed, Cadence, Stride Length. Data can be viewed in 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months increments. Data can also be expanded on each unique card to view more detailed data.
        • An interactive graph of the patient’s daily average data over time is displayed. Post surgery averages are visible in the top section of the card. Progress rank is visible behind the data signifying the average progress value ranges for patients in the same cohorts
        • During the pre-surgery period, the measurements will not be available.
        • During the post-surgery period, the patient data will display given the patient is post-surgery and their home base station is set up and connected ahead of the patient’s surgery.
        • Note: recovery curves will be suppressed if a patient is assigned a second episode of care
  • Technology Tab: This details Persona patient data in greater detail
    • Battery status- displays the status of the patient’s implant battery
    • CTE Serial Number- displays the serial number of the patient’s implant
    • CTE Size- displays the size of the patient’s implant
    • Home base station first connection- displays the date the first connection was transmitted from the patient’s home base station
    • Home base station last transmission- displays the latest transmission from the patient’s home base station
    • Home base station serial number- displays the serial number of the patient’s home base station
    • Patient stats: Steps, Distance, Range of Motion, Walking Speed, Cadence, Stride Length, can be viewed here in greater granularity. Stats are aggregated to a min, max, and avg and displayed over the Last 7 days, Last month, Last 3 months, and Last year. Data will become available as the date milestones are met.

Automated Patient Enrollment


Customers who also use supported EMR technologies may be able to take advantage of fully automated new patient enrollment. As procedures are scheduled within the standard EMR workflow, mymobility will create and enroll the corresponding patient automatically, with no manual work needed by a member of the care team. Additionally, when a currently scheduled procedure is updated, those updates are also automatically applied to the patient’s mymobility record, keeping their assigned care pathway in sync with actual procedure. We currently support integrations through Rhapsody® and Torq Interface.

Based on the amount of patient information received from the EMR system, a patient will either be fully enrolled or partially enrolled.

In addition to the required set up detailed below, to fully enroll a patient automatically, the following patient data must be received from the EMR system:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Mobile phone number
  • Surgeon
  • Procedure date
  • Procedure type
  • Procedure laterality

If the procedure information is missing or incomplete, the patient will be partially enrolled. This is identical to enrolling a patient without procedure information manually. When this occurs, the EMR system can update the mymobility record with the procedure data if it becomes available or a clinical user can manually enter that information. However, if the event received from EMR doesn’t contain at least the patient’s name, date of birth, mobile number, and surgeon, a new patient account cannot be created.

Note: Patient users will still need to activate their account and can do so by following instructions sent via text message after enrollment.

Required Setup

  • In order to utilize the automated patient enrollment feature, the following must be configured via the surgeon’s clinical user profile:
    • Unique Identifier or NPI
      • Most EMR vendors will use a unique identifier to identify which surgeon is performing a procedure. This identifier must be entered in the surgeon’s mymobility profile and exactly match the identifier used in the EMR system. In the USA, this would be the NPI number.
    • Default care team
      • The care team is a structure used to organize clinical users in mymobility and does generally not have an equivalent in other systems. Because of this, mymobility needs to know which care team to assign a patient to during the automated enrollment process.
    • Default care pathways
      • When mymobility receives a scheduled procedure, in order to begin the patient’s care pathway, the system needs to be able to assign the patient the correct protocol based on their procedure type and surgery side.
  • Additionally, each of the protocols that the individual surgeon assigns to their patients in mymobility must be properly configured based on laterality/surgery side.
    • Note: This step must be before assigning a surgeon’s default care pathways and it must be completed by an implementer user. At new clients this will be done as part of the onboarding, but for existing clients you may need to contact your implementer.


Role-based Permissions

  • When enabled, role-based permissions limit the patient data that a non-admin clinician or clinical user can see on the mymobility Clinician Web Experience. This change will most notably alter the experience on the Patient Roster page. Non-admin users will now only see patients in the patient roster table of which they share a Care Team.
    • Non-admin users can no longer access
      • The patient details page, patient profile, or procedure page for any patient with which they do not share a Care Team.
    • Adding a new patient
      • If a non-admin user attempts to add a patient that is already in the system (but inaccessible to them), matching criteria will return the existing patient and allow the user to add a new procedure

Glossary of Terms

Individuals who are sent home with the mymobility platform to assist them in completing their treatment both pre- and post-surgery.

Clinical User with Administrator Privileges:
A clinical user managing users for their health system, office, hospital or surgery center. This can be but is not limited to the following: hospital administrators, clinical directors, or other person(s) in a rights management role determined by the health system.

Clinical User with Surgeon Privileges:
Generally, an Orthopedic Surgeon, MD or DO.

Clinical User:
Generally, a PA, PT, RN, MA, NP, Scheduler, or Care Coordinator.

A Zimmer Biomet employee overseeing the mymobility system implementation, setup, and management for the overall mymobility account.

Care Team:
A Care Team is made up of a group of healthcare professionals (e.g., Surgeons, Nurses, PAs, Schedulers) who will oversee the care of a given patient.

A document that has been created to inform the patient about an aspect of their care.

Exercise Routines:
A combination of exercises assigned to a patient to further a patient’s recovery process. It may consist of one or more exercises.

Surveys that assess patient activity levels (such as the HOOS or KOOS).

A tool for Care Team members to communicate with their patients.

A set program focused on rehabilitation for the patient (starting up to 30 days before surgery and up to 365 days after surgery) that may consist of all three types of items (i.e., Education, Assessments, and Exercise Routines).

Adherence / Completion:
Displays a patient’s participation in completing the assigned Education or Exercise tasks.

Location / Disposition / Utilization:
Shows where the patient is/was and how many days the patient has been at that location. If the patient received physical therapy services, it will show how many sessions were completed. Note: This is self-reported and is a required weekly update by the patient.

Patients in Days -30 through -1 in their episode of care. Patient statistics reset after surgery.

Patients in Days 0 (day of surgery) and higher in their episode of care.

Apple Watch

Zimmer Biomet does not verify the accuracy of information that is self-reported by the user or obtained through the user’s wearable technology (such as the Apple Watch wrist wearable device). Such information should be verified for accuracy before making any decisions or taking any action based on the information. Note that patients’ pre-op statistics are not accounted for in percentages displayed post-surgery. Pre-surgery statistics and data are available from the all stats page.

This material is intended for healthcare professionals utilizing the mymobility platform.  All content herein is protected by copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights, as applicable, owned by or licensed to Zimmer Biomet or its affiliates unless otherwise indicated, and must not be redistributed, duplicated or disclosed, in whole or part, without the express written consent of Zimmer Biomet. ©2020, 2021, 2022 & 2024 Zimmer Biomet

Patients must have internet access and a text-capable mobile device or a compatible smartphone to use mymobility; not all smartphone app features are available with web-based version. Not all patients are candidates for mymobility and patients should be evaluated by surgeons as appropriate candidates for remote care.

Apple, Apple Watch, iPhone, App Store, HealthKit, Face ID & Touch ID are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Android, Google Fit, and Google Play are trademarks of Google, LLC.

Rhapsody is a registered trademark of InterOperability Bidco, Inc.

Persona IQ® The Smart Knee®

The objective kinematic data generated by the CTE with CHIRP System are not intended to support clinical decision-making and have not been shown to provide any clinical benefit.

canturio™ Exclusively
Distributed By
Zimmer, Inc.
1800 West Center St.
Warsaw, Indiana 46581-0587

canturio™ Legal Manufacturer
Canary Medical USA LLC
2710 Loker Ave. West
Suite 350
Carlsbad, CA 92010
Customer Service: 1-833-692-2627

Persona IQ® Knee
Legal Manufacturer
Zimmer, Inc.
1800 West Center St.
Warsaw, Indiana 46581-0587

For product indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, potential adverse effects and patient counseling information, see the instructions for use or contact your local representative; visit for additional product information